Writing on- Rains and Complains.

Sitting by the window, sipping my herbal tea, I watched the rain down the window, creating a beautiful background. It suddenly struck me – rain-watching should be a national sport! I felt joy for my thirsty plants outside, finally getting a long, cool drink. No more scorching sun to worry about, just the gentle drops of rain and refreshing shade. While sunshine is important, especially for flowers, at that moment, I was content with the rain’s gift to my little plant family.

The only downside was the humidity. Drying laundry became a chore, and even stepping outside seemed less appealing. And my biggest complaint, I won’t be able to Run as much. But like a passing summer storm, my criticism faded. My mind wandered to deeper thoughts.

I realized that possibilities aren’t just things we chase in the future; they exist in the past too, hidden in the whispers of forgotten dreams. We’re constantly seeking new adventures, like excited kids with a new toy box. Yet, the things that truly bring us joy are often those old, warm memories tucked away in our hearts, waiting to be rediscovered.

Even with my complaint about the rain, I cannot imagine my life without it. It is important to my existence.

What if things weren’t temporary? Would I complain less and enjoy the present moment more? The question stayed, like the rain.

We often see celestial bodies like the sun, moon, and stars as permanent fixtures, unchanging companions to time. But even they change! The moon shifts phases, the sun rises and sets. We paint them with the colors of our experiences and geographical locations.

The impermanence of it all shouldn’t diminish the beauty. Perhaps, it’s the fleeting nature that makes it so precious, a reminder to cherish every passing moment, every memory, every story whispered on the wind.

So let me embrace both complaining and loving the rain. It’s okay to feel dissatisfied and satisfied at the same time. It’s human, and that’s completely natural.


Happy Rains. yall.

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